
We Happy Few - Incredibly Promising Title Launches Kickstarter Campaign

Nosotros Happy Few – Incredibly Promising Title Launches Kickstarter Campaign

The incredibly promising title, by Coercion Games, We Happy Few has just launched its Kickstarter campaign. The tale of a plucky agglomeration of slightly terrible people trying to escape from a lifetime of cheerful delusion. Set in a drug-fuelled, retro-futuristic metropolis in an alternative history 1964 England, yous'll have to blend in with its other citizens, who don't have kindly to people who don't abide past their not-and so-normal rules.

We Happy Few is a start person roguelike game set in a procedurally generated city

It's a offset-person game, set in a procedurally generated, fully 3D city that you lot must escape before gild collapses around you. Simply, like any good roguelike, y'all're probably going to dice a few times before you figure out how information technology all works.

You will need to larn how to arrange and avoid suspicion. Yous volition demand to hunt for supplies, and craft the devices and weapons that enable you to make it out of town alive. What do the Wellies corroborate of you doing? What makes them suspicious? What turns them into a homicidal mob? And is there anyone here who tin can help you?

In We Happy Few, your principal minute-to-minute need is to avert suspicion.

The Wellies really detest Downers, and are very touchy if they think you might be one. But, if you don't draw besides much suspicion, they'll just wish you lot a "Lovely twenty-four hour period for information technology!", and get about their day. Do equally the Wellies do, and you should be fine. However, if you act like a naughty Downer and, say, intermission into a house in front end of them, they'll badly want to make sure you accept your Joy, with farthermost violence if necessary, and all their friends volition assist them. Ha ha ha, what fun!

This isn't stealth - this is hiding in plain sight. We Happy Few is a game virtually blending in, while yous expect for a way to escape.

Once they start coming later you lot, you're going to have to fight, run, or hide. Combat isn't easy - you lot're not a superhero who can reload a saved game, y'all're simply a normal person trying to survive in a crazy world. Alternatively, you could craft an escape mechanism or take Joy to alloy in… but every option comes with some sort of disadvantage. And ordinarily, because you have one life, y'all'll desire to be very, very conscientious about what you're doing.

If you die, or win, you'll start a new game, in a brand new Wellington Wells. The world volition change, so but through understanding the systems inside the game and how they work will you be able to win. Winning the game requires getting skillful at stealth, conformity or combat (hopefully all 3), while learning what you can and tin can't become abroad with.

In We Happy Few, you play every bit a Downer - someone off their happy pills. We have three Downers for you lot to unlock and play:

We Happy Few (6)
The playable characters are not typical video game heroes - they are flawed and not particularly heroic, warped by the trauma their earth has been through. They are haunted by terrible things they've washed in the past, and they each accept something they urgently need to accomplish.
Each one has a story to play through. Their stories all interweave, so past playing i character, you can unlock new ones. And, each graphic symbol has his or her own strengths and weaknesses, which alter how yous play the game.

We Happy Few stories are definitely Not Appropriate For Children, unless your children are already reading Neil Gaiman novels, in which case, good on yous. Simply don't worry, it's not all frowns and sadness! It's also laced with dark humour, hope, and even a spot of redemption.

There is also a bunch of special NPC types, who'll make your life a tad more hard:

  • Remember you lot're tough? Endeavour fighting a Bobby.
  • Think you're sneaky? In that location's a kindly, Nosey Sometime Lady who is always sticking her nose where it doesn't belong.
  • Call up you'll pretend you're on Joy? The Doctor can practically sniff you out.

Depending on how you similar to play, some of these will be more unsafe than others.

Located in the southwest of England in 1964, Wellington Wells is a urban center haunted past the ghosts of its recent by. In 1933, this world deviated from our own, and the Germans successfully invaded and occupied England during Earth War two. Most of England is rubble, every bit is a off-white office of Wellington Wells.

However, during the Occupation, the Wellies all had to practice A Very Bad Matter. To calm their anguish and guilt - and forget what they'd washed - the Wellies invented Joy, the phenomenon happiness drug, that plain has no side effects whatsoever.

We Happy Few certainly looks similar it could be one not bad title, and hopefully the campaign gets funded in time. You tin check out the Kickstarter page and testify your support, We will bring you any new data as presently as it becomes available.


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